Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bose has a silent but powerful presence in the Car Audio Market

!9# Bose has a silent but powerful presence in the Car Audio Market

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Noto Bose is known for great innovations in audio products engineering and their products are spread far and wide from home audio, marine audio and even MP3 players.

What is less know is the Bose quiet but formidable presence in car audio systems, where Bose has designed the complete audio systems for many high-end car models for decades. The list of car models, which are equipped with Bose sound systems too large to list, but some of the technologies usedproduce excellent sound quality, Bose is known, a bit 'the same thing.

One of the main features of the Bose car audio is its patented audio driver, noise-reduction technology, which constantly makes adjustments to the audio in the car, in response to levels of background noise.

Pilot audio works using a tiny microphone in the audio system, which sends the information it does sound in a car built to a digital signalProcessor, where the sound in the car, what is the sound system and send every note is not out of the audio system is compared identifies as background noise.

The background noise can be anything from the sums of the tire to open the windows in the car. The digital signal processor identifies not only the back ground noise, but is also able to determine that the levels of the musical spectrum in a car is distorted by noise and sends a signal to another digitalModule called compensation algorithm of the system.

The compensation algorithm works then cancel the distortion caused by the noise generated by amplifying the volume of their hit. For example, if the battery in the song by humming tires are distorted, is amplified levels of the drum until it receives a return signal from the microphone, the sound quality that fits in your car, what is sent by the system.

Bose may not be the dominant force drivingAudio, but with innovations like these, certainly a big statement.

Bose has a silent but powerful presence in the Car Audio Market

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